Beard Options
Nearly everything is customizable. Not everything may be possible to be added to the shop, but to make as many options as possible available via the shop, please check all your colour options here :)
If you have any other colour or style wishes please contact me via facebook!
Mixing Options
Single Colour
Single colour beards are knotted with only one colour of hair i.e. blond, red etc.
Single colour beards normally look a little less naturall then mixed beards, since most people have naturally mixed hair.
Single Mixed
"Single Mixed" applies to colours that are naturally made up of different colours of hair. For example "grey" hair contains white and black hair. If you choose grey(mixed) or i.e. dark red(mixed) in the shop you'll get a beard like this,
Special Mixed
With this option two colours of your choice get mixed manually. i.e. brown and blonde. You can also mix single colours with mixed colours, i.e. red and grey
For this please choose your colour combination and the option "special mixed" in the shop.
With the fading options you choose a colour combination of two colours which will then be knotted in a fade from bottom to top.
The darker colour starts at the bottom, because it looks more realistic. If you want the darker colour on top, please add this to your notes during checkout.
This colouring option is made up of two single or single mixed colours. The larger part of the beard gets "disrupted" by a stripe of the contrast colour.
The stripe will be made out of the lighter colour, unless otherwise noted during checkout.
Here you can see a sample of all the currently available colours of natural hair.
For other colour options or synthetic hair options, please contact me via facebook.